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Slot SiC

d: Internal Diamter,
OD: Outer Diameter;
HZ: Length Of Hot Zone;
CZ: Length Of Cold Zone;
OL: Total Length.

Order Sample

Slot, D-20mm, HZ-150mm, CZ-200mm, OL-550mm, Resistance-2.2Ω
Specify as: Specify as: KJ-SiC-Slot, 20/150/100/2.24Ω.

Abrostate Bacterological Incubator
Abrostate Bacterological Incubator


Diameter (OD, mm) Hot zone (HZ, mm) Cold zone (CZ, mm) Overall length (OL, mm) Range of resistance (Ω,ohms)
8/14 180 60 300 2.6-5.2
8/14 150 150 450 2.2-4.5
8/14 180 150 480 2.6-5.2
8/14 180 180 540 2.6-5.2
8/14 200 150 500 2.9-5.8
12/20 150 200 550 1.1-2.2
12/20 200 200 600 1.2-2.9
12/20 250 200 650 1.8-3.8
14/22 150 150 450 0.9-1.8
14/22 180 150 480 1.3-2.3
14/22 250 250 750 1.5-3.0
14/22 300 250 800 1.8-3.5
14/22 400 350 1100 2.3-4.7
18/28 300 250 800 1.1-2.2
18/28 300 350 1000 1.1-2.2
18/28 400 250 900 1.4-2.9
18/28 500 350 1200 1.8-3.6
18/28 600 350 1300 2.1-4.3
18/28 400 400 1200 1.4-2.9
25/38 400 350 1100 0.8-1.7
25/38 500 400 1300 0.6-1.2
25/38 600 500 1600 1.3-2.6
25/38 800 450 1700 1.7-3.4
30/45 1000 500 2000 1.1-2.2
30/45 1200 500 2200 1.3-2.6
40/56 1000 500 2000 0.8-1.7
40/56 1000 500 2500 1.3-2.6
40/56 2400 700 3800 2.0-4.0
40/56 2600 850 4300 2.2-4.4